India Breaking News

Friday, February 4, 2011

Protesters throng Cairo, call for Mubarak to go

Cairo: Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians marched peacefully in Cairo on Friday to demand an immediate end to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule, but there was no sign of his generals, or his U.S. allies, squeezing him out just yet.

Turnout nationwide seemed short of the million seen on Tuesday and which leaders had hoped to match on what they called "Departure Day." Many Egyptians, weary of disorder, feel Mubarak did enough this week by pledging to step down in September. Some also were wary of renewed violence by shadowy Mubarak loyalists.

On the 11th day of unprecedented massive protests which have revolutionized Egypt and the wider Arab world, some 200,000 men and women from all walks of life streamed past patient soldiers to the capital's Tahrir, or Liberation, Square.

Protesters throng Cairo, call for Mubarak to go

A similar number marched in the second city of Alexandria and smaller pro-democracy rallies were held elsewhere.

"Leave! Leave! Leave!" crowds chanted after Friday prayers on the square in Cairo. A cleric praised the "revolution of the young" and declared: "We want the head of the regime removed."

"Game over" said one banner, in English for the benefit of international television channels beaming out live coverage.

Yet for all the enthusiasm on the streets, and new-found tolerance by the army, Mubarak's fate, and that of a 60-year-old system of military-backed rule, lies as much in bargains struck behind the scenes among generals keen to retain influence and Western officials anxious not to see a key Arab ally against radical Muslims slide into chaos or be taken over by Islamists.

European Union leaders echoed calls from the United States for Mubarak to do more than promise not to run in September's election: "This transition process must start now," they said.

! The 82-y ear-old president said on Thursday he was "fed up" but would not stand down because that would create chaos.

Prominent figures

A handful of prominent figures from academia and business said they proposed a compromise under which newly appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman, a former intelligence chief who has the confidence of Washington, should take over real authority while Mubarak could serve out his fifth term as a figurehead leader.

There was a festive, weekend atmosphere as secular, middle-class professionals and pious, generally poorer, members of the mass Islamist movement the Muslim Brotherhood, mingled, sang and chanted under banners and ubiquitous Egyptian flags.

Food and water, medical treatment for those overcome by heat and crowding, opinions and jokes were all shared.

Away from the square, groups of Mubarak loyalists harassed journalists. Some attacked the offices of Al Jazeera television. Others tried to deter people from demonstrating. But there was little of the extreme violence seen on Wednesday and Thursday.

Earlier, the veteran defense minister visited the square, inspecting troops who were out in force promising to protect demonstrators after the bloodshed of previous days.


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